Shree Jalaram Bapa ki Katha

Shree Jalaram Bapa was born on  4-11-1799 in the village Virpur of Gujarat. His mother, Rajbai was very dedicated of serving sadhus and saints. No sadhu and saint could go from Virpur without receiving the hospitality Rajbai. Shree Jalaram Bapa’s father’s name was Pradhan Thakkar, who was engaged in business. At the age of 16, Jalaram Bapa married Virbai, daughter of Thakkar Pragji Somajia. Jalaram Bapa was however not inclined to live household life and to continue to do business with his father. He is mostly engaged in serving sadhus and saints. He separated himself from his father’s bsiness and stayed with his uncle, Valjibhai, who was very fond of Jalaram.

It was obvious that Jalaram Bapa was inclined to completely withdraw from marital life. Fortunately his wife, Virbaima decided to follow the path of Jalaram. So, when Jalaram decided to go for a pilgrimage for holy places, Virbaima followed him. At the age of 18, Jalaram Bapa accepted Shree Bhojalram from Fatehpur as guru and was given a “Guru Malaa and Mantra” in the name of Shree Ram. With blessings of his guru, he started “Sadavrat” a feeding centre, a place where all sadhus and saints as well as the needy could have food any time during 24 hours. Nobody returned from that place without having food. All this he did single handed with Virbaima assisting him. Soon his fame spread as an incarnation of the divine. Whoever come to Virpur, whether Hindu or Muslim was fed by Bapa.

Shree Jalaram Bapa (Original Photo)

Shree Jalaram Bapa (jagdalpur)

Once three Arabs in the service of Thakore of Rajkot demanded an increase in wages by four rupees in a month. Being refused, the Arabs resigned and set out to Junagadh. On their way, they hunted few birds and kept them in their shoulder bag. When they reached Virpur, Bapa asked them to have their meals and then go. When they protested that they were Muslims, Bapa said that in the court of God there was no distinction in caste and creed and they were welcome. The three Arabs had their meals in the temple but they were embarrassed that they were carrying dead birds in their bag. The Bapa touched the bag and said that the birds were feeling suffocated. The Arabs opened the bag and found that the birds were alive. They flew away to a nearby tree. The Arabs were amazed and understood that they were in the presence of divine person. They fell at his feet and asked whether they would get a job in Junagadh. Bapa said “What was the need to have a job in Junagadh? The Arabs serve only one master.” Just at that time, a camel man sent by Thakore of Rajkot arrived there. He took back the Arabs with him saying that Thakore has sanctioned an increment of seven rupees in their wages.


There are many stories about the greatness of the saint of Virpur. Remembering the stories, we can fill the heart with devotion and gratitude. Jalaram Bapa worked very hard for whose who were struck by the terrible famine. In 1881 (i.e. 23-2-1881) Jalaram Bapa left his body in his prayers. This is the story of the great saint of Virpur.

Shree Jalaram Bapa ke Parche

Jalabapa Jholi and Danda

Without knowing inner voice of the soul, our birth is incomplete and this can be felt. If we chant the name of the God and turn our vision, we will have certain targets, which will make us become pure and free from sins. By doing this only, a person attains the highest God’s salvation. This happened in Jala Bapa’s life. God, himself appeared in the form of a saint and begged for Virbai from Jala Bapa in form of alms. He asked for the most unusual thing and Virbai was given to the saint by Jala Bapa, to carry out the daily chores. By offering this, the saint in return gave Virbai “Jholi” and “Danda”, which is even present as of today. This once again concludes that any prayer or deeds done with whole-heartedness is always beneficial. So let us join Bapa and achieve this also, at earliest opportunity.

Shri Jalaram’s marriage

When 14, he was given the sacred thread of janoi. After short time, he was betrothed to Virbai, daughter of Thakkar pragji Somaiya of Atkot. He had least desire to marry and start such life. But his parents did not consent. He was married at 16. Since childhood, Jalaram’s virtues began to unfold with age compassion and mercy grew in him. On finding saints, he brought them with respect to his shop and gifted them with food and cloths. Jalaram’s father Pradhan Thakkar was not so well to do and did not like this. At last, Pradhan Thakkar came separated from them. Uncle Valji Thakkar came to know this. He had no child. He called Jalaram and gave him charge of his grain shop. He was fully satisfied and happy with his devotee nephew and declared so publicly.

There are many parchas of Shree Jalaram Bapa, for further reference you can visit Virpur Shree Jalaram bapa website